Finding the Best Hair Removal Options
Hair removal, sometimes called depilation or epilation, is basically the intentional removal of large amount of hair from the body or face. Hair removal can be for functional or cosmetic reasons. Hair removal is a common practice in the US and around the world. For most men in particular, hair removal includes shaving unwanted hair off their legs, underarms, chest and back.
Hair removal is often performed at home by using shaving cream, razor blades or waxing kits found at local stores, pharmacies and even over the internet. Waxing is the most common form of hair removal although there are variations such as tweezing and sugaring. Waxing kits usually contain a set of tweezers and a buffer. Some epilators such as Nair use a cotton pad to apply the solution while others have a small wax comb. Waxing is more often performed by dermatologists than at home. Must Visit For 私處脫毛
A visit to a dermatologist is not only to get help on what to do, it is also to learn how to perform it safely. Sometimes the skin of the affected area becomes infected with bacteria resulting in temporary blisters that may crust over and cause permanent scarring. It is important to note that it is illegal in some states to use lasers or other invasive treatments on the skin.
One of the most common methods used today is the use of depilatory creams which come in various strengths and application methods. Depilatory creams work by physically removing the hairs above the surface of the skin. Commonly available depilatory creams include: Nair, Listerine, and Purell. These are typically sold in drugstores and are relatively safe to use provided the correct one is selected.
There are several treatment options available for the most persistent hair growth. Depending on where the hair grows, this may require several treatments before seeing any results. Many people seek the help of a board-certified dermatologist in determining how to get the best results. Board-certified dermatologists are highly trained professionals that specialize in treating skin disorders including: dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and even "unwanted" hairs.
A board-certified dermatologist will typically start out by doing a skin patch test. This test will determine if the cream would have a detrimental effect on the skin. The dermatologist may also perform a patch test using a small amount of the cream on the patient's arm. After obtaining a patient's medical history, he or she may also ask the patient to complete a detailed questionnaire detailing the types of hair removal treatments he or she has previously had and the results.
Many dermatologists recommend electrolysis, laser hair removal, and plucking as ways to remove unwanted hair from the legs, underarms, bikini line, chest, or back. Many dermatologists prefer to do laser hair removal because it provides a permanent hair removal solution and the results are permanent. Some dermatologists use a combination of treatments to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair and achieve a smoother, finer texture. The treatments can also be used to remove unwanted hair from the face or other parts of the body.
Some people opt for shaving or waxing. Shaving is a general good practice but some people will benefit from the extra touch of wax. Waxing is a process that is often best left to the professionals to obtain the smoothest look with the closest shave possible. Waxing is performed by applying hot wax to a beard or other area of the skin and then allowing it to dry. When the
wax cools, it can be removed with a razor or a hot water and towel solution.