Hardwood Floor Installation Tips
Adding carpet installation near me collierville to your home can make a huge difference in the decor and value of your home. Whether you are putting your home on the market or just want to add warmth and style to your home, hardwood floors can help you accomplish that. But before you install your hardwood floors, you should know some important tips.
The first step in installing hardwood flooring is to remove the existing floor. The old floor may have a different thickness than the new floor. This can create gaps in the floor, which will be noticeable over time. It may also cause you to have to adjust your doors and baseboards to make up for the thickness difference. You will also have to remove your area rugs for about seven to ten days.
Next, prepare the subfloor. A proper subfloor can make a huge difference in how fast you install your hardwood floors. You will want to make sure the subfloor is level, flat and dry. You may also want to consider adding a vapor barrier to your floor to reduce noise. A vapor barrier can be foam or red rosin paper.
The installation of your hardwood floors will take time. You will have to clear out the area and move furniture, drapes, and other personal property. You will also need to sand your boards and prepare them for installation.
A good hardwood floor installation will include staggered joints. You should use two nails per plank. You will also want to make sure you use spacers to allow for expansion. This can help reduce the risk of buckling or cupping. Alternatively, you can brace your boards with lumber.
There are many different types of hardwoods. You should choose based on your decor and budget. If you live in an area where the temperature changes frequently, you should choose a wood that will perform well in fluctuating conditions. If you want to install a floor that can stand up to radiant heating, you may want to choose an engineered wood option.
When installing hardwood floors, you may want to consider using a pneumatic floor nailer. This can be rented for around $40 per day. It can be very useful in nailing tongue and groove planks. This is the most difficult type of installation. If you plan to use this method, you will also need a hammer and nail gun.
It is also possible to install hardwood floors yourself. If you have a few basic carpentry skills, you can do this project. But if you are not comfortable tackling this project, you may want to leave it to the professionals. This can help you cut down on your overall installation costs.
The biggest factor in determining how much a hardwood floor will cost is the type of wood you choose. You should also consider the type of adhesive used. Some adhesives can affect the warranty of your floor. You may want to check with the manufacturer to see what type of adhesive is recommended for your particular wood.