Which Sewage Tanker is Right For Your Needs?
If you're looking for a new sewer tanker, you have many options. There are several popular brands to consider, including Vac-Con(r), ISUZU, and Camel Max. Here's a breakdown of their features. Which one is right for your needs? Read on to discover more. You'll soon be on your way to a clean and healthy environment. Plus, learn about their hydro-excavation package!
The Vac-Con(r) sewer tankers are a great choice for wastewater removal because of their powerful vacuum system. This feature allows the truck to pick up large debris and shut off the suction in case of a malfunction. The truck's wireless remote control system gives the operator the power to adjust the hose reel and chassis engine rpms from a remote location. The truck's hydraulic door locks also allow the operator to work from a different position without sacrificing any of the equipment.
Vac-Con uses hydrostatic drive to power its water and vacuum systems with a single engine. This allows the system to be independently operated and offers the highest levels of flexibility and value. The system is designed to operate independently without sacrificing power and performance. The Vac-Con XX-Cavator(tm) features a convenient front-mounted hose reel and lubrication chart.
The ISUZU sewer tanker is a vacuum truck designed for removing sewage and fecal liquids from a site. It is equipped with a suction window in front of the tank, a manual lifting device, and a camera for capturing water from a sewage site. The ISUZU suck tanker truck is constructed with carbon steel and features an English operating manual.
The ISUZU sewer tanker truck is also known as a vacuum truck, a suction truck, or a lupa tanker. Its high efficiency is based on its fuel efficiency, long wheelbase, and hydraulic rear door. It also has a humanized interior, and features a high-precision manufacturing process. The ISUZU sewer tanker truck is a versatile tool for a variety of industrial and commercial tasks, as well as transporting waste liquid and toxic substances.
Camel Max
The Camel Maxx sewer vacuum truck is the epitome of quality. Its single engine design provides a 40% fuel savings and 15% lower operating RPM, as well as a dump unloading system. The dump unloading system consists of a hydraulic cylinder that raises the body to fifty degrees for easy unloading. The tilt ejection system makes unloading easy and safe while facilitating deeper cleanouts.
The Camel Max Series 900 sewer cleaner offers many of the same features as the flagship model. Its 9-yard debris collector body and 1,000-gallon water tank make it perfect for those customers who need a smaller sewer cleaner. The water pump system is similar to that of the Camel Max 1200. It is easy to maintain, too, as its LED controls are intuitive. It also features self-diagnostication.
Hydro-Excavation Package
The Tempest is one of many models of sewer tanker equipped with a hydro excavation package. This package provides access to water during dumping operations. It also includes a body vibrator for breaking up dry debris during dumping operations. The boom catwalk also comes with tethered tie-offs, which enhances operator safety and eases overall maintenance. The unit also includes a grounding reel and spike, which help protect operators from static electricity and electrical currents.
The GapVax hydro-excavation package is a unique system designed to recycle sewage water and is capable of handling grease well. No clogs mean less downtime and cost savings. It also hydro-excavates quickly and easily. With a large hose reel and an extendable boom, the GapVax hydro-excavation package allows for one operator to work at the belly pack and dig below grade.
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